We’ve been originating loans to small- and medium-sized businesses in the U.S. for nearly two decades. The risk and return profile of these loans is appealing; we believe the interest rates on these assets provide a return in excess of what is warranted based on the underlying risk. Furthermore, providing capital to these small businesses improves the communities they are operating in by creating jobs and facilities to generate clean energy.
Energy policy in the United States has been in a significant shift for many years now. States, municipalities, and public utilities have made long-term commitments to considerable increases in the utilization of renewable energy. This has made way for the transition from large, centralized, and utility-owned powerplants toward smaller, distributed, privately-owned renewable energy facilities. The result has been a new wave of social-impact focused entrepreneurship in energy.
We’ve spent nearly two decades serving the financing needs of the hospitality industry. Needless to say, current market conditions create a different dynamic than we’ve experienced over the years.